Good question! Don't feel shy or frightened that you are suddenly part of a prehistoric race. Technology changes quickly (ie. Blog Sisters thought we caught up with the greyhound in the dog track, but now we see new "gadgets" associated with blogs such as Tweeters.) So much to learn. Let's start with the basics.
A blog is a website normally maintained by an individual or coauthors (in terms of adding content) that serves as the medium to compose entries or "postings". These postings may consist of commentaries on any subject (ie. sports, TV show, or politics), how-to instructions (ie. recipes for baking, main meals, do-it-yourself home remodeling), or online journal about a person's life or activitives or hobbies (ie. About Christine Michaels). The difference between a BLOG and a "static advertisement or editorial" is the two way communication. BLOGs communicate with a community. It's not one-way communication but many communicating with many. Usually the topic of discussion is the Headline of the "posting". The way this is accomplished is by readers writing A COMMENT at the end of each posting.
Below is a breakdown of another example of a BLOG we created that offers tips on anything.
- posting: What is the difference between a brown egg & white egg?
- posting: Free Subscription to Magazine
- posting: How to Get Best Seats on a Flight
Final example, POTPOURRI Newsletter is the name of this BLOG. The posting is "What is a Blog?"
If you have any questions, JUST POST A COMMENT right below this posting. Either BLOG SISTERS will answer you or another reader. And the conversation continues...